Sunday, October 28, 2018

Hello world!

Hi there,

If you find this blog, it is most likely that you are an IELTS candidate, just like me! I create this blog just to post the answers that I prepared for the exam.

I have taken IELTS twice, one academic (7.5 overall) and one general training (8.0 overall), with lowest score on speaking - only 6.5 for both. It was really disappointing because I need at least 7.0 in speaking to have enough points for the CRS ranking to immigrate to Canada.

Then my friend told me that I hadn't prepared enough for the speaking test! That seemed to be true as I just registered for the test and walked into the IDP center on the test day, not even knew how it would be like. No wonder my score is disappointing.

I don't want my next try to be the same as the previous ones, and that is why I create this blog! I use it as a motivation to practice my skills.

On this blog I will post the answers I prepare for the speaking test, and I will also add some posts of my essays for the writing test. Hope that you will find my blog useful. But don't expect too much from my blog, I am not a teacher nor a perfect band 9 candidate - just consider what I write a flawed reference that needs improvement! I would be happy to receive comments from you!

Good luck with your test!